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Cyber Innovation
Innovation. It is a term frequently thrown around, and infrequently mastered in practice. We see innovation as an opportunity to unleash creativity in practical ways. It may be in driving new boundaries, but also in reinvigorating traditional spaces with new thinking.
Business Challenge: Spiraling Cyber Costs
Organizational Size: All
As organizations chase increased operational demands, the cost to manage growing cyber risks are accelerating. Since eliminating risk to zero is not possible, and since mismanagement of risk is not acceptable, a medium must be sought. This calls into question the ability to accurately define risk, and how high yield risk remediation ROI can be achieved per dollar of cyber investment.
Innovations Created:
1. Cyber Cost Rationalization. An approach to accurately determine areas of cyber spend that have poor or under performing risk remediation ROI. Similar to a mutual fund review in concept.
2. Benchmarking of Cyber Spend/Investment. An approach to compare your spend, risk, and cyber performance relative to yield
3. Cyber Culture. An approach to yield risk ROI improvements through intangibles, such as targeted culture and awareness tactical improvements and strategy.
Business Challenge: Lack Of Technology Visibility
Organizational Size: All
Visibility. Simple in concept and difficult in practice. 
We have innovated around the fundamentals of the technology landscape to derive a broader lifecycle focus to acutely manage even the smallest visibility gaps, identify and remediate.
Innovations Created:
1. Technology Visibility. An approach that takes a lifecycle focus toward creating processes that drive real time, near time, and accurate intelligence. We create systems and processes that self reinforce and drive results without throwing additional dollars, time, and resources at a problem. 
A key problem with visibility is once you hit a certain point, there is an effect of diminishing returns. This is universal across all organizations - so how to solve it? Our innovations dissolve this phenomenon and others to drive best in class visibility with lower inputs and investments.
Business Challenge: Competing Priorities
Organizational Size: All
We have all seen it. Too many priorities and too little time, too little resources. 
Exploring what created those priorities, we have a two pronged approach to solve. Number one, we explore enterprise strategy and find why these tactical moving pieces are priorities in the first place. Dissolve pain through wise ninja strikes. Two, we look at tactical priorities and what can be done to smooth them by getting a lens into what matters, removing unintentional bottlenecks and fostering collaboration through mechanisms such as temporary command centers.
Innovations Created:
1. Enterprise Strategy. An approach which walks back complexity into aligned enterprise focus. Through a series of methodologies, frameworks and accelerators our enterprise strategy provides a universal anchoring of a suite of approaches and solutions, such as tackling cyber challenges.
We have invested heavily in a 'one path, many doors' approach with our enterprise strategy framework, which collapses multiple swimlanes into one solvable journey. Results and velocity.
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Business Challenge: Vulnerability Management
Organizational Size: All
Vulnerability Management is a fact of cyber life. Identifying all vulnerabilities and having the resources to perform the necessary identification, accurate research of the risk, and actions to remediate is a heavy burden. It has also been commoditized over time in many cases which further impacts and inflates net median risk windows.
Innovations Created:
1. Patching Strategy. An approach that leverages all the 'existing cogs', which we tweak to achieve greater strategy driven risk remediation performance. We analyze actual bottle necks in execution and data intelligence formulation to create throughput synergy and close the vulnerability lifecycle window.
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Business Challenge: Scaling Cyber Risk Management To Budget
Organizational Size: Small, Medium
Small and Medium organizations have long been exposed to risks without complete accessibility to the type of services and solutions that would be consumed within the Fortune 500. This greatly impacts operations and hits the grass roots of our society.
Key revelation, regardless of organizational size, when it comes to cyber the fundamentals are exactly the same, but at different magnitudes of scale.
Enstarla has created the means to solve this issue once and for all. We leverage the agility in smaller organizations to move more swiftly and mitigate risks before they manifest. We do this intelligently so that cost scaling is serenely accomplished.
Innovations Created:
1. Cyber Executive As A Service. An approach where an Enstarla cyber expert is used by the Client within an executive function. This achieves a cost point with risk reduction outcomes that was simply not possible before.
2. Cyber SOC. An approach where we establish meaningful and balanced intelligence and technology to safeguard your organization. We leverage a specific model where we anticipate before anticipation, which robustly prevents issues prior to manifestation and defines potential unexpected vectors.
3. Cyber Agile Technology. An approach where we combine best in class services, process, governance to empower selected technology to drive the greatest risk remediation yield. A fundamentals focus is taken which drives this low cost, high performance mindset. This greatly reduces the technology spend needed to achieve a balance between operational objectives and sleeping well at night through a strong cyber posture.
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